Steam client for mac

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Steam Big Picture mode fails to display content, it shows a black screen (d3d10) Very high CPU usage while downloading stuff in Steam Steam in wine stuck at 100% usage after some quake live gameplay Steam - streaming from a Wine host does not send sound ( also applies to Steam Link ) Steam: Mouse cursor shows the wrong symbol

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Steam requires Arial/Times New Roman fonts to open Store/Profile/Community pages Steam windows can be resized to 1x1 despite minimum size Steam games protected with Valve's CEG (Custom Executable Generation) DRM scheme fail game cache validation Multiple applications and games using 'Webkit' or 'Blink' web browser engine crash on startup ('Arial' and 'Times New Roman' font face name validation)

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Steam 2010 version: tooltips popup even when the steam windows isn't top-active one Screen under Steam windows is not refreshing External screen resolution changes are not detected